£15.16 £12.63


Ultracure, with its BBA Certificate, is easy to apply, odourless, and can be used on all types of masonry.

The cream is delivered by hand pressure only from a simple applicator gun into a series of holes drilled into the mortar course. From here the low molecular weight Silane effectively migrates into the masonry pores and fully passivates across the mortar joint as the cream reverts to a liquid phase. Upon curing a hydrophobic chemical damp proof barrier is formed in-situ. Curing of the DPC starts immediately with the final cure taking 2-6 weeks depending upon wall thickness.

Extensive field experience with this technology demonstrates that Ultracure will perform as well as any conventional liquid injection system against rising damp.


  • BBA Approved

  • Easy, fast and clean installation

  • No high-pressure pump required

  • No pump cleaning between jobs

  • Can be used in conjunction with Dampstop Mesh Membrane

  • Finish with No More Damp Renderproof or No More Damp Renovation Plaster

  • Virtually Odourless

  • Can be used in all types of masonry

  • Precise dosing

  • Low Hazard